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PhoneSuite - Blog

The “Suite” Spot — How Phonesuite Offers the Best of Large and Small VoIP Providers

When you’re shopping for a VoIP provider for your hotel, you’ll find a wide variety of options — from enormous multinational companies to small,.

IN VOIP, VoIP benefits, PBX, Hosted VoIP, cloud hosting, VoIP for small hotels

The Difference Between Managed and Unmanaged PBX

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems aren’t particularly new, but the hotel industry has been surprisingly behind the times when it comes to.


SIP Trunking -- What is It and Why Should I Care?

If you've been researching options for your hotel's phone system, chances are that you've come across the term "SIP Trunking". Unless you're familiar.

IN VOIP, PBX, SIP, hotel industry, hotel technology, SIP Trunking

Don't Become a Victim of PBX Regret

Back in the 90s, hotels pretty much had one option for complex, multi-line phone systems: the PBX. These systems were okay for what they were. They.

IN Hosted PBX, VOIP, hoteliers, PBX, hotel technology

Managed, Cloud, Hosted -- What is the Difference and Why Should I Care?

Managed, Cloud, and Hosting - oh, my! If there’s one question we get about hosting technologies more than any other it’s, “What’s the big difference,.

IN PBX, hotel industry, hotel technology, cloud computing, managed hosting, cloud hosting

Moving PBX to a Managed Service

No hotel can operate without a reliable phone system - that’s just common sense! People need to be able to call into your hotel to make reservations.

IN VOIP, PBX, hotel industry, legacy phone system

The Basics of VoIP for Your Hotel, Part 3 of 3

If you've been following the first two parts of our 3-part series on the basics of VoIP, you should now have a comprehensive understanding of what.

IN VOIP, hoteliers, PBX, SIP, hotel technology

Techniques That Will Improve Your Hotel's Productivity

Anyone working within the hotel industry is well aware of the many challenges that come with being required to meet the needs of numerous guests.

IN VOIP, hoteliers, PBX, hotel technology, productivity, billing automation, Find Me

Things You May Not Know About VoIP

We all know that VoIP provides hotel owners and managers with an alternative communications system. We also know that the quality of VOIP has.

IN Hotel Phone System Articles, Articles, Hosted PBX, VOIP, VOIP provider, VoIP benefits, hoteliers, PBX, telephony

The Differences in VoIP: Technology Comparisons

As we've covered recently, many hotel owners and managers are somewhat reluctant to make a change to VoIP because they're not completely comfortable.

IN Hotel Phone System Articles, Articles, Hosted PBX, VOIP, VOIP provider, VoIP benefits, hoteliers, PBX, SIP, telephony, technology, technology comparisons, traditional PBX, IP telephony