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PhoneSuite - Blog

5 VoIP Security Threats to Be Aware Of

It seems that on a daily or weekly basis, we're hearing about a data breach of some kind. Whether it's the leak of corporate e-mails, an online.

IN VOIP, hoteliers, hotel, hotel industry, hotel technology, cybersecurity, encryption, firewall, data breach

The Basics of VoIP for Your Hotel, Part 1 of 3

As a successful hotelier, you want to make decisions for your business that will enable you to grow and thrive. This often means having the ability.

IN VOIP, VOIP provider, hoteliers, hotel, hotel technology

Would James Bond Want to Use Your Hotel?

He's smooth. He's slick. He's good with the ladies. He's… Bond. James Bond.

IN VOIP, hoteliers, hotel, hotel industry, James Bond, gadgets, keyless entry

Mobile Milestones Your Hotel Must Meet

Everyone in the hotel industry knows the extreme importance of keeping up with current technology trends. Whether it's switching keys for keycards,.

IN VOIP, hoteliers, hotel, hotel industry, hotel technology, tablets, Wi-Fi, mobile optimization

4 Ways that VoIP Relieves Stress in Hotel Employees

You don't have to be a part of the workforce for too long before you realize that even the most relaxed business environment can be quite stressful..

IN Hotel Phone System Articles, VOIP, hoteliers, hotel, hotel technology, telecommuting

How Your Hotel's Blog Can Increase Booking Rates

What are you doing to attract new guests and engage with your existing customers? One of the best ways that hotels can connect with their clientele.

IN Hotel Phone System Articles, VOIP, hoteliers, blog, social media, hotel, hotel technology, blogging, content marketing