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PhoneSuite - Blog

WEBINAR: Does My Hotel Even Need Call Accounting Any More?

Call accounting remains relevant in hospitality, however, its need and value are declining. Is it already dead and we just don’t realize it yet.

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WEBINAR: Winning Hospitality Unified Communications Solutions

Hospitality communications are vast and complex, and in today's landscape having unified communications is essential. But, how do you take the plunge.

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WEBINAR: Hotel PBX Trends - Hosted, Premise, Hybrid De-Mystified

In terms of hotel phone systems, your choices are diverse and often times confusing. PBX? Hosted? What does Hybrid even mean?

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WEBINAR: The Communication Ecosystem Readiness Test

With the technology available today, VoIP is a viable option. The question many have is, “Will this technology work in my hotel?”

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WEBINAR: Getting Started: Outlining Your Installation

Thinking about a new phone system? Needing an upgrade? To ensure that your installation is a success, we'll outline your installation check list and.

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WEBINAR: The SIP Communications Readiness Test

Session Initiation Protocol - is a network communications protocol commonly used in VoIP signaling. SIP is designed to support the calling features.

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WEBINAR RECORDING: Is VoIP a good solution for a small hotel?

As a small hotel owner, there are many questions around the move to a VoIP hotel phone system. In this webinar we discuss the pros and cons of having.

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WEBINAR: Hosted vs Premise Phone Systems Explained

There are a lot of things that hotel owners and managers should consider when moving away from an existing phone system and upgrading to another. One.

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WEBINAR: Hotel Phone Systems VoIP + Cabling

With the innovations of VoIP telephone systems comes more functionality and features for your hotel. But, what does that mean for your existing phone.

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WEBINAR: Launch of PhoneSuite Series2 V.IP

We're unveiling the new PhoneSuite Series2 V.IP hotel specific phone system in this special webinar. Hotels can now utilize the features behind VoIP.

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WEBINAR: Launch of the New Ground Breaking Hotel Phone System

The unveiling of the new PhoneSuite Series2 V.IP hotel specific phone system. Hotels can now utilize the features behind VoIP with their existing.

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WEBINAR: Cost Savings Analysis SIP vs Traditional Trunking in Hotels

Traditionally, hotel phone systems have relied on T1 lines, or bundled phone line “trunks”. SIP trunking relies on the Internet for a virtual phone.

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Real Cost Comparisons: Hosted vs Premise Based Webinar

In your technology structure, should you go with a hosted or premise based phone system for your property? We'll dive in and discuss both options and.

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Real Cost Comparisons: SIP vs Analog Webinar

With all of the technology out there, it can be hard to decide which type of phone system is right for your hotel. In this webinar we will go over.

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A Short, Guided Tour of Voiceware

Utilizing IP-PBX technology it's possible to have a customized phone system that combines all of the hotel-specific features into one easy to use.

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When hotel voice technology moves to non-proprietary, industry standard platforms and cross-platform software solutions, several areas for potential.

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The Future of Hotel Voice Technology: Part 2

In the first part of this webinar series we discussed how technology has moved to open standards, non-proprietary, hardware and software that can be.

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The Future of Hotel Voice Technology: Part 1

With technology moving at the speed of light, and guests expecting the convenience that technology offers, hotel voice technology needs to become as.

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